Garage Addition

Adding a garage to your home is a great way to add space to your home. Are you looking to add more storage space to your existing house? A garage addition is perfect for this Do you live in an area with unpredictable weather patterns or harsh winters? A garage addition is also perfect for your needs.

Does your home need a space for you to work on small home improvement projects? A new garage addition is also perfect for a workshop, so you can work on any sort of projects from the comfort of your home. 

Garages are extremely versatile and can be attached directly to your home or detached. Do you have space in your yard, but don’t have any viable space right next to your home? A detached garage would be a wonderful fit for your needs. Detached garages help make the most of your land without having to build onto an existing structure. 

Do you have a garage you don’t use often and are wondering what you can do with the space? Garage renovations are also a great choice to add more living space to your home. Garages can be converted into an extra room for your home. This is great for people who don’t use their garage much, but are looking to add more space to their home. 

There are various types of garage extensions, and at Cornerstone Construction, we will help find the perfect one to fit your budget, space, and needs. 

Some of these types of garage additions include: 

  • Double Storey Extensions: 

A double storey extension is a great choice if you can’t expand outward, but you still want extra space. Adding another room above your garage is great if you are looking to add an additional room for storage, activities, or relaxation. 

  • Attached Extensions:

Do you have space around your home that you would love to expand into? An attached extension is a great choice to fit your needs. This garage extension connects to your existing garage or existing home structure. This is also great for anyone with limited yard space or does not have the budget for a new structure. 

  • Detached Extensions: 

Do you have space in your yard, but are limited near your home? A detached garage extension is a great choice. Detached extensions are also perfect for anyone wanting to add a garage workshop that would be noisy attached directly to your home. But this does involve creating a fully new structure, which can raise the budget. 

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